The attorneys of our Firm, aware of the impossibility for most of the population to have access to the Venezuelan justice system, have firmly undertaken to continuously and increasingly cooperate with the community through the provision of pro bono legal services. We believe that as lawyers we are committed to ensure the recognition and guarantee of civil rights, providing pro bono legal assistance to the underprivileged.

Convinced of the importance of this task, our Firm has established a policy to provide pro bono legal counseling through the dedication of a number of weekly hours by our attorneys to collaborate in this undertaking. Said activity is conducted at the Don Bosco Social Compound in Altamira, as well as in our offices, also to cooperate with the outstanding work performed by the Salesian Ladies Association at that and other assistance centers.

The Salesian Ladies Association is a non-profit organization formed by Catholic women from various walks of life, who volunteer their work in service of the needy, in an attempt by the organized community to alleviate the problems caused by extreme poverty and lack of social assistance. The activities of the Association are primarily focused on the provision of medical assistance, job training and home economics education. Within the framework of these services, our firm provides pro bono legal services to the individuals who seek counsel at the various assistance centers coordinated by the Salesian Ladies Association.

Additionally, endeavoring to make a priority of this commitment to the underprivileged community and in the hope of bringing justice closer to those who need it the most, our firm got involved in “The Justice Goes to School” program, sponsored by the Justice Resource Center of the city of New York and Civitas Venezuela, which have been partnered since 2002 through the Civitas International Exchange Program.

The firm also contributes continuously with various organizations in Venezuela, giving them free legal counseling in the areas they require. These foundations are: Venezuela sin Límites, Asociación Civil de Buena Voluntad (Good Will Industries), Fundación Amigos del Niño que amerita Protección (FUNDANA) and Asociación Civil U.E. Colegio Loyola Gumilla.