Margarita Escudero León

Born Valencia, Venezuela, February 10, 1969.

Education: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Law Degree, Academic Distinction Cum Laude and ranked number 1 in her class, 1991. Harvard University, Master of Laws, 1993; Fundayacucho Scholarship (Distinction: Recognition to Excellence). Universidad Central de Venezuela, Doctorate in Law, honorific distinction, 2004.

Professional Background: First Alternate Judge (1995-1999) and Special Judge (1996-1999) of the Second Superior Court for Civil and Contentious Administrative Matters of the Judicial Circuit of the Capital Region. Associate Judge of the First Court for Contentious Administrative Matters (1999-2000). Professor of Introduction to Law, Master in Tax Management, Universidad Metropolitana, 2000-2005. Professor of extension courses, Cendeco, Universidad Metropolitana, since 2000. Professor of Constitutional Law, Universidad José María Vargas, 2000-2001. Professor of Administrative Law by competitive examination, Universidad Central de Venezuela, since 2001. Professor of Constitutional Law, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, since 2001. Professor of “The Government and its Distribution of Power” in the Advanced Studies Program in Constitutional Law, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 2009. Professor of “International treaties, human rights and the Constitution” in the Doctorate of Law, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 2018. Member of the Editorial Council of Revista de Derecho Público, since 2004. Venezuelan representative on the Steering Committee of the Women in the Profession (WIP) Program of the Vance Center, 2016-2018. Member of the Technical Council of the Public Law Institute, Universidad Central de Venezuela, since 2023. Alternate to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Venezuelan Association of Administrative Law (AVEDA), since 2024. Member of the Bar Association of the Capital District. Attorney at Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart & Núñez, 1991-1997. Junior Partner at Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart & Núñez, 1997-2001. Partner at Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart & Núñez, 2001-2013. Senior Partner at Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart & Núñez, since 2013. Head of the Public Law Department of the Firm. Member of the Academy of Political and Social Sciences (Chair No. 2), since 2024.

Author: “El Requisito Procesal del Acto Previo a la Luz de la Jurisprudencia Venezolana” (Preliminary Proceedings as a Procedural Requirement in the Light of Venezuelan Case Law), in Revista de Derecho Público No. 57-58, 1994. “La Racionalidad de la Institución de la Revisión Judicial” (The Rationality of the Judicial Review Institution), in Revista Tachirense de Derecho No. 8, 1996. “La Responsabilidad Patrimonial del Estado en el Ejercicio de su Actividad Administrativa, Legislativa y Judicial” (The Patrimonial Liability of the State in its Administrative, Legislative and Judicial Activity), in Libro Homenaje a las Jornadas Dr. José Santiago Núñez Aristimuño, 2000. “Declaratoria Judicial de Inconstitucionalidad por Omisión Legislativa” (Judicial Declaration of Unconstitutional Legislative Omission), in Bases y Principios del Sistema Constitucional Venezolano, 2001. “Régimen Regulatorio de la Radio y Televisión en Venezuela” (Radio and Television Regulatory Regime in Venezuela), in El Nuevo Servicio Público, VI Jornadas Internacionales de Derecho Administrativo Allan Brewer-Carías, 2002. “El Mecanismo de Revisión de Sentencias por parte de la Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia” (The Mechanism of Judgment Review by the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court of Justice) and “El Tratamiento Jurisprudencial dado a los Intereses Colectivos y Difusos como Forma de Legitimación Procesal” (Case Law Treatment given to Collective and Group Interests as a Form of Procedural Legitimation) in Novedades Jurisprudenciales del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, 2002. “Reflexiones sobre la Ejecución de Sentencias que Condenan al Estado Venezolano al Pago de Sumas de Dinero” (Reflections on the Execution of Judgments Condemning the Venezuelan State to Pay Amounts of Money), in Libro Homenaje a Allan Brewer-Carías, 2003. “Reflexiones sobre la Potestad Revocatoria en Venezuela” (Reflections on the Revocatory Power in Venezuela), in Libro Homenaje a Gustavo Planchart Manrique, 2004. “Reflexiones sobre las Amenazas a la Libertad de Expresión en Venezuela” (Reflections on the Threats to Freedom of Speech in Venezuela) in Ensayos Jurídicos en Celebración de los 90 Años del Escritorio Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart & Núñez, 2004. “El Control Judicial de Constitucionalidad sobre las Ramas Legislativa y Ejecutiva del Poder Público” (The Judicial Control of Constitutionality over the Legislative and Executive Branches of Government) (Honorable Mention in the Venezuelan Academy of Political and Social Sciences Award), 2005. “Comentarios Críticos a la Ley de Responsabilidad Social en Radio y Televisión” (Critical Comments on the Radio and Television Social Responsibility Law) (Coauthor), in Venezuela, Situación del Derecho a la Libertad de Expresión e Información, 2005 and in Estudios de la Ley de Responsabilidad Social en Radio y Televisión, 2006. “La Justicia Constitucional y la Protección de los Derechos Humanos” (Constitutional Justice and Human Rights Protection), in El Derecho Público a los 100 números de la Revista de Derecho Público 1980-2005, 2006. “Principales Modificaciones de las Potestades del Presidente de la República en la Propuesta de Reforma Constitucional” (Main Amendments to the Powers of the President of the Republic in the Proposed Constitutional Reform), in Revista de Derecho Público 112, 2008. “El efecto vinculante de la jurisprudencia constitucional en Venezuela” (The binding effect of constitutional case law in Venezuela) in Un siglo de historia y derecho. 100 años del Escritorio Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart & Núñez, 2014. “Los Decretos Leyes y los Reglamentos como Fuente de la Legalidad Administrativa” (Decree Laws and Regulations as Source of Administrative Legality), in Libro Homenaje a Las Instituciones Fundamentales del Derecho Administrativo y la Jurisprudencia Venezolana del Profesor Allan R. Brewer-Carías en el Cincuenta Aniversario de su Publicación, 1964-2014, 2015. “Es el pueblo el que detenta la soberanía y decide su destino” (It is the people who hold sovereignty and decide their destiny), in the research work The State: Form of human association, El Universal newspaper, Caracas, June 21, 2015. “El Estado de Derecho en la Constitución de 1999” (The Rule of Law in the 1999 Constitution) in Estudios Constitucionales y Parlamentarios, Anuario 2016-2017, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello and Instituto de Estudios Parlamentarios Fermin Toro, Caracas, 2019. “Brewer, el abogado en ejercicio” (Brewer, the practicing attorney), in Allan R. Brewer-Carías: una Personalidad Multifácetica. Libro homenaje de la Asociación Venezolana de Derecho Administrativo por sus 80 años, Aveda, Caracas, 2020. “Hacia una mayor participación de la mujer en el mundo del Derecho en Venezuela” (Towards a greater participation of women in the Venezuelan legal profession), in Business Venezuela, Caracas, August 2020. “La llamada Ley Antibloqueo contra la Constitución” (The so-called Anti-Blocking Law against the Constitution), in Boletín de la Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, July-December 2020, Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Caracas, 2020. “La justicia constitucional como no garante de derechos constitucionales: el caso de la libertad de expresión en Venezuela” (Constitutional justice as a non-guarantor of constitutional rights: the case of freedom of expression in Venezuela), in the VII International Congress of Constitutional Procedural Law, 2021, Caracas, 2021. “La expropiación en el marco de la protección de la inversión extranjera” (Expropriation in the context of foreign investment protection), in Property law and state intervention: old and new problems, Annual Conference of the Venezuelan Association of Administrative Law (AVEDA), year 2021, AVEDA and CIDEP, Caracas, 2021. “La cláusula del Estado de Derecho a la luz de la Constitución de 1999” (The Rule of Law Clause in light of the 1999 Constitution), in Tribute book to Dr. Humberto Romero Muci, Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Caracas, 2023. “La Crisis de los derechos de Libertad Económica y Propiedad Privada en el Socialismo del Siglo XXI” (The Crisis of Economic Freedom and Private Property Rights in 21st Century Socialism), Editorial Jurídica Venezolana, in print, 2024. “La justicia constitucional como instrumento colaborador de regímenes autoritarios: el caso del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos en Venezuela” (Constitutional justice as a collaborating instrument of authoritarian regimes: the case of international human rights law in Venezuela) in the XVI Ibero-American Congress of Constitutional Law, Mexico City, in print, 2024.

Languages: Spanish and English.

Practice Areas: Administrative and Constitutional Law.

email: [email protected]