José Santiago Núñez Gómez

Born Caracas, Venezuela, January 10, 1948.

Education: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Law Degree, 1971.

Professional Background: Clerk of the Eighth Civil Court of First Instance of the Federal District and State of Miranda, 1969. Professor of Contracts and Secured Transactions, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 1972-1975, 1983-1985, 1993-1994. President of the Venezuelan-Japanese Chamber of Commerce, 1994-1997. Director of various Venezuelan and international companies. Member of the Board of the Latin American Iron and Steel Institute (ILAFA), Chile. Associate at Núñez Aristimuño, 1971-1974. Associate at Rodríguez Machado, 1974-1978. Partner at Núñez Aristimuño, 1978-1991. Partner at Núñez & Eiris, 1991-1997. Member of the Bar Association of the Capital District. Senior Partner at Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart & Núñez, since 1997.

Author: ‘La “Cláusula Efectivo” en la Venezuela de comienzos de 2014; convertibilidad y curso forzoso del bolívar según régimen monetario y cambiario venezolano’; opinión sobre la “Sentencia Motorvenca“ (The “Cash Clause” in the Venezuela of the beginning of 2014; convertibility and forced course of the bolivar according to the Venezuelan monetary and exchange regime; an opinion on the “Motorvenca Decision”), in Un siglo de historia y derecho. 100 años del Escritorio Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart & Núñez, 2014.

Languages: Spanish and English.

Practice Areas: Corporate and International Business Law.
email: [email protected]